Who We Are

We are the Brown Family and our desire is to be sons and daughters of encouragement for the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

In Acts 4:36, there was a man by the name of Barnabas. He was a missionary who traveled with the apostle Paul. The name Barnabas means “son of encouragement.” The Greek word for encouragement is “paraklesis” which also means “consolation, exhortation, and comfort.” With that, by coming along side others and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through God’s Word brings encouragement and comfort to the soul (Romans 15:4, I Corinthians 14:3, II Thessalonians 2:16).

The story behind the name of this ministry is pretty awesome! In the early 2000s, Michael was given a daily devotional from his parents. In one of the daily devotions, it talked about Barnabas and being an encouragement to others. Then it said this, “Your name doesn’t have to be Barnabas in order for you to be an encouragement to someone. Be a Colleen-Barnabas or a Michael-Barnabas today!

What is awesome about this is our names are Michael and Colleen! This was not planned by anyone other than divine providence! God spoke to us through this devotion through the years and we realized that God was ordering our steps in this direction. So here we are serving the Lord as He enlightened us years ago through a simple devotion but with a powerful message. Be encouragers with the life God has given you…a Barnabas Life!